How to Send Text to Speech on Discord

Discord Text-to-speech is a function that has been added by Discord Team. It is a humorous way of sending text messages into audio format. It’s one of the great functions on the Discord Platform. There are not a lot of users who use this functionality, but it is becoming popular over time and if you are looking for an uncomplicated guide to setup text to Speech on Discord then proceed reading this article.

Discord has already interjected a lot of unique functions like Custom Status on the Discord or the Discord Spoiler tag using which you can protect spoilers and only show them to the people who are interested in reading or viewing that spoiler.

Discord TTS is an important functionality that uses Advance machine learning applications to detect Text and transform it into Speech using different Machine Produced voice over. The Text to Speech Discord feature is disabled by error and in order to apply it, you first have to Allow it and make some settings according to your choices.

In this article, we are going to show you the correct steps to Allow Text to speech discord functionality. The Text to speech trait is accessible on the Discord Desktop app for PC, Mac, Android, and iOS Apps and can be used on all these programs seamlessly.How to Send Text to Speech on Discord

What is Discord Text to Speech (TTS) and How to Use it?

While you understand that Discord is a great program to form a server and join thousands of like-minded people together in a private or group chat. While Discord has beforehand published a lot of important updates for its users, Text to Speech reaches out from all.

Text-to-Speech on the Discord is a functionality using which you can Convert Text to Audio Format and share that with your friends and colleagues on the same discord server. Also, for listening to your audio note, people must allow the Text-to-Speech highlight on their account too.

How to use text-to-speech on Discord?

Before Adopting Text-to-Speech on the Discord you must Allow it by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Discord App from your PC, Mac, or Browser.
  2. Right-Click on the Gear icon provided near your username in the bottom-left edge of your screen.
  3. A new window will open with different User Settings, Click on Notification option from the left-side menu.
  4. Beneath TEXT-TO-SPEECH NOTIFICATIONS, Unless Select “For all Channels” or “For Current Selected Channel.
  5. Instantly click on Text & Images option provided on the left sidebar and Allow “Allow playback & usage of the /TTS command” by using the Toggle Button.

Learn to pin messages on Discord.

That’s it. Using the given steps, you can simply Allow Text to Speech or Disable Text to speech on Discord.

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